Did you know that the average user on Facebook has 200k photos shared with them? [infographic]

Social travel photography infographic

Currently Reading:

     Engagement from Scratch!  30+ co-authors, free download

Ligaya Tichy – Rethinking Startup Communities

Sharing is caring…

As a community manager I am naturally interested in why we share, so I’ve found some articles and videos on that topic that I, of course, would like to share.

1. Viral Content: Why We Share Some Things and Not Others

3. TEDx talk by Olivia Ma

Olivia Ma is YouTube’s News Manager. She develops news-related products and programming initiatives and works closely with both news organizations and citizen reporters using the site to share news video from around the world. In this video, she talks about why we share.

4. The Future of Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

My life…

Should You Outsource Social Media Tasks?



“The major element that shouldn’t be outsourced is the strategy behind the social media promotion. You need to define goals and measure success.”

– Article from Marketaire

Weekend Readings

Courtesy of Dustin Diaz (flickr)












I’m a community manager for a startup, so I have a feeling this blog might take a slow turn towards covering that area as well. This Monday was the annual Community Manager Appreciation Day (there’s a day for everything right? Speaking of… I also heard the same day was the National Pie Day, and the day after the National Peanut Butter day.. I couldn’t make this S*** up..)

Here are my bookmarked links to read this weekend:

1. Lessons From A Community Manager
2. Social Media Marketing: Measuring Impact For Real [INFOGRAPHIC]

3. The future of user interface design: understanding context & behavior
4.  Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well
5. What Successful Products Teach Us About Web Design